Cepas de Familia is located in Lujan de Cuyo, known as the oldest viticultural area of Argentina which has achieved international recognition for the excellence of it's wines. The vineyards are located partially in Lujan de Cuyo as well as in the Uco Valley, a now-famous winegrowing area that until 20 or 30 years ago was better known for apple, cherry, and walnut orchards. Cepas de Familia grows 10 hectares of Malbec, 5 hectares of Bonarda, 2 hectares of Sangiovese and 1 hectare of Tempranillo. The vineyards are located at 3-5,000 feet above sea level, and being influenced primarily by the mountains enjoy a high degree of diurnal temperature variation, with cool nights and warm sunny days giving the grapes lots of acidity at moderate alcohol levels.

Most of the vineyards date from 1960 and are under the parral training system in order to preserve optimal production conditions, though some sections have been partially converted to espaldero in order to lower yields and improve canopy management. The vines are farmed organically and new vineyards are propagated by massal selection rather than commercial nursery clones.  The sand and clay soils (with more sand at the higher altitudes) need some irrigation to supplement the mere 200 millimeters of annual rainfall. The wines ferment in concrete tanks of 10,000 liters and are aged in stainless steel and French oak. 

